How Do I Protect Myself?


This great big world is made up of first and foremost energy. Every atom is a unit of energy. The wind is energy, water is energy, and people are made up of energy. All this energy is constantly moving, dynamic, traveling both within us and around us all the time. All the energy that Creator created is good energy. The energy that makes up your body at birth is all good energy. No wonder we fall in love looking at an infant. The energy of the trees is good energy. But there are negative energies here too. Pollution can be considered negative energy, negative thoughts create negative energy, and feelings of hatred or anger produce negative energy. So there is a lot of negative energy here, too. You may notice that Creator does not create negative energy but rather man creates it. Pollution, hate, war, famine, anger, worry, fears, greed are all examples of negative energy and all created by man. How much negative energy has been released in this world from ages past? Did it go somewhere or is it still here? Well it hasn’t been uncreated so I would say it is still here. Once something is created, well, there it is until man who creates it,  uncreates it. We don’t tend to focus on uncreating do we! How much of that negative energy has been transmuted through our intentions into positive energy? I think we could agree that there is more negative energy in this world than positive energy as we look around at the newspapers or our neighborhoods or our work places.


Now, there is no way that Creator didn’t know this would happen. It was Creator that gave all creations free will choice. And Creator knows that some humans would use their free will choice to create negative energy. In truth, I don’t know any human being who hasn’t created negative energy at some point in their lives. Well of course Creator knew this would happen. So Creator gave us a way to protect ourselves from all the negative energy floating here around us.


If you look at any picture of St Michael the Archangel you will see that he has both a sword and shield. Why would Creator give an angel a sword and shield? Because Creator knows that we would need protection! St Michael is known as a great protector. And what is his shield made of? What would Creator make his shield from? Well everything Creator creates is made of Creator’s own love. So this is a shield of love. And a sword of love too. What this is implying is that Creators own love is what protects us and defends us from the negative energies in this life experience. Of course we do not know the scope or fullness of this kind of love. It is not human love as we are familiar with. It is all that and more and if you want to perceive what it truly is you can do the work to gain those perceptions.


So we are given the free will choice to have a shield around us too just as St Michael has. I teach it as a bubble of protection.


 Visualize a bubble around your entire self; enclosing your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies, some people may see this bubble’s aura. The Yaqui call it the luminous egg. I see it as an egg bubble. Inside this bubble is Creator’s love and light and that is always with you as you are one with Creator. So picture this white light of love and peace all filling your egg bubble inside, more than you could ever use and it feels like home and love from Source Itself. Feels good!


Then on the outside of this egg bubble we will put a Teflon type material. Teflon is the strongest woven material in the world. It is woven micro fibers and this Teflon surface on your egg bubble filters out negative energy and only allows in positive loving energy. So now you have a natural strong filter around your bubble. By imagining it you are intending it and by intending it you make it so. Now all those errant energies out there, when they come zooming to wards you, the positive ones will come through the Teflon into your white light and add to it and the negative energies, nasty thought forms, pessimistic ideas and so forth will just bounce off the Teflon surface and continue on their way.


According to Don Juan the Yaqui shaman, we all have this luminous egg around us. Each  person is able to send energy out of his or her bubble into the universe. They may direct it with their thoughts and intentions to you or to their neighbor or to their spouse or to the universe at large. Just because someone sends out energy in the form of thoughts, words, actions, and intentions either positive or negative, doesn’t mean you have to catch it and let it in to affect you. Your bubble of protection allows you to filter out the negative and only accept the positive. Of course it is always your free will choice to allow in the negative. If you want to just be the catcher of all energies without this wonderful filter to assist you, then just forget about your bubble of protection! Then you can stand in the whirlwind of energies both positive and negative that 9 billion people are sending out of their bubbles. But I won’t go there! I love this gift from Creator and use it constantly.


Some people have asked me how I can pay attention to it constantly. They remember it in the morning and then forget about it as they go through their day. Suddenly they feel the whirlwind of energies around them and realize that they are not protected because they have forgotten their bubble. It is easy to pay attention to your bubble constantly.


You pay attention to where you are at all times, right? You know where you are. You know if you are at home or at work or on a bus or in your car. It doesn’t take much thought to pay attention to where you are at all times. So you can see, in the same way, it is easy to pay attention to the fact that you have this bubble of protection around you.


 If you had a mental dis-ease that made you forget where you are, how would that feel? Suddenly you would not know where you are. You would be lost, confused, upset, I am sure. To forget about your bubble of protection is the same thing. You are vulnerable to everything around you, confused. But just as you are constantly aware of where you are, so can you be constantly aware of your bubble of protection. Make it a function of your brain just as knowing where you are is a function you taught yourself to do. It will become automatic after a while. Are you breathing? Then attach your awareness of your bubble to your very breath! Train your mind to connect the awareness of your bubble to the same function that allows you to breathe. It only takes some awareness and practice before it becomes automatic for you to always pay attention to your bubble of protection.


No reason for us to be subjected to every single energy out here and there are zillions of them. Of course, if you create lots of negative energies with your thoughts, words and actions well you had better ask Source to clean out the inside of your egg bubble with that white light daily. But you will be protected against anything negative out here whizzing by very easily in this way. And lets try to be agents of creating positive energy in this world. Lets deliberately choose to think positive thoughts, to say positive words to make positive actions because this is how you create positive energy.


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Shaman Elder Maggie Wahls has been a practicing Shaman for over 50 years. She offers teaching, public speaking and healing to bring the ancient art of Shamanism into today’s world. She can be reached through her website at or by email at